How to consider code style and write cleaner software code?
“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” - Harold Abelson It's a well-known fact that software engineers spend way more time reading code than writing it (Robert C. Martin says 10 to 1). Therefore, investing time in writing readable code should be a prime concern for every developer to spare their fellow engineers (and indeed themselves) from spending even more time deciphering encoded ...
Lombok Mutability Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them
Find out how Lombok can unwittingly undermine good mutability and encapsulation practices and what to do about it. Object-oriented encapsulation best practices lead development towards only relying on mutators to change object state. Any other way of changing it is called a side-effect and is generally very unwelcome. Side-effects have a nasty habit of introducing bugs and seriously slowing down debugging as they tend to create non-determinism. ...
Java Package-Info Annotation Generation with Gradle
Elegance and cleanliness in programming are important to me. Having a lot of files scattered everywhere is an eyesore. However, that is exactly what I've prescribed in my earlier post about Java default nullability annotation set by a package. To define default package contracts throughout your project, you need to copy the same package-info file in all packages. This does not only cloud visibility in the project view panel but ...
Set Java Nonnull/Nullable Annotation By Package for Cleaner Code
What is a Java Null Annotation? Java null annotation (or nullability annotation) contracts are a way to mark the code in a way that static checkers know which parameters, variables or return types can be null. You would especially want to do that if you hate defensive null checks everywhere in the code, like this one: (more…)
What is The Real Purpose of Software Projects?
A few days ago I was asked to present some basics about software quality assurance to a group of employees at Agilio. Above all the methodologies and fancy techniques that come with quality assurance, I wanted to give them a sense of what the mission is. Why should they be bothered with all that? To understand what software quality really is about, we must look at the bigger picture. The Context of Business The universe, like the world, your ...